Monday, September 21, 2015

Friends of Pacheco Pioneer Cemetery.....a shot in the arm

The Board of the Pacheco Pioneer Cemetery met recently. We have a renewed commitment to staying more closely involved with the betterment of the cemetery.

In 2013 the conclusion of a class action lawsuit against a former cemetery owner occurred. Thanks to the efforts of lawyer, Richard Brown, the class claimants agreed to gift $200,000 to the next legitimate owner of the cemetery, for its betterment. The court ordered the new owner, Eric Bianco, to come to an agreement with the Friends of the Pacheco Pioneer Cemetery and the Pacheco Town Council, as to how to spend that money. By the time the agreement was reached the money had grown to $227,000, with another $11,000 that was gifted to the Friends group. 

The $227,000 was placed in a Special Endowment Fund, and is accessed via the court appointed Special Master, Richard Brown. 

The project list includes an electronic gate (now installed), ground penetrating radar, a security system, digitizing records in a software program that includes gravesite locations, and an irrigation and grass.

Mr Bianco has hired a worker to keep the cemetery ground mowed and looking better. We are happy about that!

September 2015 Dry and mowed 

Taken in the spring, a year when there was rain
 Let us know who you are! We want to increase our family contact list!!!

Christine Williams, President


Lori said...

I have 3 family members buried there.
Hazel Martha Anderson
Melvin Dean Anderson

William Bruce Russell - Not sure of date he passed away 1965/1967 time range? there is no headstone for him, it is at the very top of hill in the older part, center.

Unknown said...

Hi! I have recently become very interested in learning more about this. I recently visited the cemetery as from a historical perspective it fascinates me. Was the ground-penetrating radar ever done? Thank you!